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[WAFG] ██ ZOMBIE REVIVAL ██ :: WAFGAMERS.COM ::zm_lila_panic_ak1_v518/33Connect >
[WAFG] CRAZY DEATHMATCH de_dust2 :: WAFGAMERS.COM ::de_dust219/32Connect >
[WAFG] CRAZY DEATHMATCH cs_office :: WAFGAMERS.COM ::cs_office11/32Connect >
[WAFG] AWP DeathMatch :: WAFGAMERS.COM ::awp_lego_216/32Connect >
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Zombie Revival

Bind Commands For Zombie Revival

WAFG AWP DeathMatch

WAFG Crazy Deathmatch de_dust2 #1, cs_office #2

WAFG Zombie Revival

!help - to see the help menu

!shop (opens menu for buying thing with credits)
top10 (shows who is on the top10 list)
!zclass (if you want to change your skin)
!zvolume (!zvolume if you want to configurate your own zombie sounds!)
!stopsound (if you want to mute shooting sounds)
!sm (if you want to mute a player that includes voice/text chats and radio commands)
!su (unmute someone)
!balise (choose your beacon colour)
!fullupdate (if you are seeing things that are not appearing as they are meant to be)
!zmarket (weapon market and save setups)
!help (a menu of various items that may be significant)
!vip (your VIP menu)
!viptest (you get free VIP)
!quake (customizing how ur killing sound is gonna be heared by urself)
!ztele (you teleport to another location)
!calladmin (a message is sent to our discord server that you need help)
!smoke (allows you to freeze zombie (4sec)
!discord (shows our discord link so you can join us)
!rs (reseting ur score from scoreboard)
!steamid (u can check ur steam id with that)
!nominate (chooses a map that can be voted for)
!flame: allows you to set other zombies on fire
!antidote: you turn into a human in 1.0 seconds but you don't get unlimited ammo for your weapons because you avoid being a zombie after being infected
!prop: you get different items to defend yourself against zombie and prop is your best friend to win
!trails or !trail to use trails that run behind you, it comes with colorful beams Type !hide if you dont wanna see the trail
!para or !parachute: gives you access to switch to amazing different parachutes
!tripmine or !tm: When a zombie touches the laser of tripmine, there will be an explosion around the zombie who touched the laser
!lm or !laser: The laser will hurt the zombies when they touch it
!spark or !sparks: An effect when you hit something


Bind Commands For Zombie Revival

for the bind we mostly using bind (key) "say /(some command or text)" or bind (key) sm_(command)
Am gonna send my recommendations for commands but u can change it in any time and add news based on this ones

Recommended Bind Command For Zombie Revival

bind v "say !zprops"
bind mouse5 ztele or bind alt ztele (if u have mouse with 5 buttons i recommend to use 1. one if u dont have then use second 1)
bind n sm_smoke or bind n "say /smoke"
bind c sm_g3sg1 or bind c "say /g3sg1"
bind x sm_m4 or bind x "say /m4"
bind z sm_xm or bind z "say /xm"
bind , sm_he or bind , "say /he"
bind . sm_p90 or bind . "say /p90"
bind h "say !spec"
bind p "say !tp" (u can bind this one but u dont need to)
bind "7" "say !smoke"
bind "8" "say !he"
bind "9" "say !p90"
bind "0" "say !awp"
bind "q" "say !ak47"

If you need more help contact us via discord

WAFG AWP DeathMatch

!help - to see the help menu
!spec or !afk (to move your self to spectate)
!viptest (to get free vip for 30 days)
!calladmin (to call admin on server when there in no one admin)
!tp (to see your self from third person)
!vip (shows vipmenu to costumize)
voteban (vote to ban someone)
votekick (vote to kick someone)
votemute (vote to mute someone)
rank (show whats your rank on server and how much u gained points in session)
top10 (shows 10 players with most points on server)
!rules (shows rules of server)
!ct or !t (to move your self to terrorist or counter terrorist)
!servers (shows list of all our servers)
!sm (name) (to self mute someone for example !sm goks)
!res (to turn off music in the end of round)
!quake (to change your kill sounds how u like)
!settings (there u can find round end song if u want to turn on or off same for quake and u can customize your gameme settings)
!cw (change skins for awp,deagle and knife)
!rtv (if you want to vote to change map)


WAFG Crazy DeathMatch de_dust2 #1, WAFG Crazy DeathMatch cs_office #2

!help - to see the help menu
!spec or !afk (to move your self to spectate)
!viptest (to get free vip for 30 days)
!calladmin (to call admin on server when there in no one admin)
!skins (to choose your skins on server)
!tp (to see your self from third person)
guns (if you dont see guns menu this command is gonna show you it)
!rs (resets your score)
!vip (shows vipmenu to costumize)
voteban (vote to ban someone)
votekick (vote to kick someone)
votemute (vote to mute someone)
rank (show whats your rank on server and how much u gained points in session)
top10 (shows 10 players with most points on server)
!rules (shows rules of server)
!ct or !t (to move your self to terrorist or counter terrorist)
!servers (shows list of all our servers)
!sm (name) (to self mute someone for example !sm goks)
!res (to turn off music in the end of round)
!quake (to change your kill sounds how u like)
!settings (there u can find round end song if u want to turn on or off same for quake and u can customize your gameme settings)
!discord (shows link of our discord)